code1 tech1 place1



Hi there, you can just call me Daim. I am a full stack web developer who focuses on writing clean and efficient code. I make sure that intuitive user interfaces don't cause performance drawbacks and good performance doesn't get in the way of functional user experiences. As a web developer, I always strive to be in sync with the latest updates to the technologies I use and also the booming ones that prove efficient to use.

When I'm not coding, you will most likely find me studying Italian, e quindi se studi italiano anche, mi invia un messagio e lo impariamo insieme. I am driven to push through things which I am passionate about like web development, and language learning. I also try to integrate those fields together and create web apps aimed for language learning, etc.

Equipped with my obsessive attention to detail and my unequivocal love for making things , I want to enter the professional world and bring with me my mission-driven goal when I create websites: to solve problems , help other people and make a difference.


A representation of my proficiency in each skill


Years of Experience


Websites Created


Languages Spoken



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